(Texte en français ci-dessous)
Prof. Dr. Véronique de Goumoëns, RN, CNS, PhD, is a Full Professor UAS at the School of Nursing La Source in Lausanne, member of the network of the University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland (HES-SO). She is leading the Teaching and Research Laboratory “Child and Family Health” (LER SEF).
Her research focuses on family nursing for patients with acquired brain injuries, from the early phase of hospitalization. In partnership with families and healthcare professionals, she developed an intervention based on Family Systems Nursing theory, The SAFIR© intervention. SAFIR© was tested in clinical neurosciences department of a University Hospital and seems to be feasible in a well-prepared context; further research will test its efficacy and the implementation strategies for its sustainability.
She is contributing to the development of the curriculum in family nursing for pre-graduate and graduate nursing students.
She is the director of the BEST (Bureau d’Echange des Savoirs pour des praTiques exemplaires de soins) JBI Center of Excellence and the vice-president of the Swiss Association for Nursing Sciences (VFP-APSI) she is also committed to promoting the profession at the national level, particularly with regard to advanced nursing practice and to defending the interests of nurse at the political level.
She is an active member of the Acute Care Cluster within the International Family Nursing Association.
Véronique de Goumoëns, infirmière clinicienne spécialisée, PhD et Professeure HES Ordinaire à l’Institut et haute Ecole de la Santé La Source à Lausanne, membre du réseau de la Haute Ecole Spécialisée de Suisse Occidentale.
Elle est responsable du laboratoire d’enseignement et de recherche en Santé de l’enfant et de la famille (LER SEF) et directrice de Bureau d’Echanges des Savoirs pour des praTiques exemplaires de soins (BEST) a JBI Center of Excellence.
Elle est également docteure en sciences infirmières, titre obtenu à l’Université de Lausanne en Suisse. Sa thèse portait sur le développement des soins infirmiers familiaux pour les patients atteints de lésions cérébrales acquises, dès la phase initiale de l’hospitalisation. En partenariat avec les familles et les professionnels de la santé, elle a développé une nouvelle intervention basée sur l’approche systémique familiale appelée SAFIR. Cette intervention a été testée dans le cadre d’une étude de faisabilité au sein du département clinique des neurosciences du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Lausanne, en Suisse.
Véronique de Goumoëns contribue à l’élaboration du programme d’études en soins infirmiers familiaux pour les étudiant.e.s en soins infirmiers de Bachelor et de Master, respectivement à la Haute école spécialisée HES-SO de Suisse occidentale et à l’Institut de formation supérieure et de recherche en santé (Faculté de biologie et de médecine de l’Université de Lausanne). Intégrant les approches «soins infirmiers familiaux» et «soins centrés sur le patient et la famille», son enseignement se concentre sur le développement des compétences des étudiant.e.s en visant l’excellence dans les soins aux familles. Les relations étroites entre la pratique clinique, la recherche et l’enseignement lui permettent de contribuer au développement des soins infirmiers familiaux dans le contexte de la Suisse romande.
En tant que vice-présidente de l’Association nationale pour les sciences infirmières (VFP-APSI), Véronique de Goumoëns s’engage également à promouvoir la profession d’infirmière au niveau national, notamment en ce qui concerne la pratique infirmière avancée.
Elle est également membre du Acute Care Cluster au sein de l’International Family Nursing Association.
Actuellement une équipe interprofessionnelle révise l'intervention avant de poursuivre le processus.
Publications relatives au projet:
-de Goumoëns, V., Ayigah, K-R, Joye, D.; Ryvlin, P.; and Ramelet, A-S (2022) The development of a complex early intervention for supporting families of persons with acquired brain injuries: The SAFIR© intervention, Journal of Family Nursing, 28(1):6-16. DOI: 10.1177/10748407211048217
- de Goumoëns, V., Rutz, D., Bruyère, K., Ryvlin, P., Ramelet, A-S., (2022) Interventions auprès des familles de personnes atteintes de lésions cérébrales acquises en phase aiguë d'hospitalisation, Mains Libres; 2 : 95-101
- de Goumoëns, V., Grandjean, C., Joye, D., Bettex, Y.-O., Ryvlin, P. & Ramelet, A.-S. (2020). Analyse du contexte clinique dans le développement et l’implantation d’une intervention de soutien pour les familles de patients atteints de lésions cérébrales acquises : une étude qualitative. Science of Nursing and Health Practices / Science infirmière et pratiques en santé, 3(1), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.31770/2561-7516.1062
- de Goumoëns, V., Rio, L., Ramelet, A-S., (2018). Family-oriented intervention for adults with acquired brain injury and their families; a scoping review’s results, JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports , DOI: 10.11124/JBISRIR-2017-003846
- de Goumoëns, V., Didier, A., Mabire, C., Shaha,M., & Diserens, K. (2019). Families’ needs of patients with acquired brain injury: Acute phase and rehabilitation. Rehabilitation Nursing, 44(6), 319–327. doi:10.1097/rnj.0000000000000122
effectiveness and family experiences of interventions that promote partnerships between parents and the multidisciplinary healthcare team in pediatric and neonatal intensive care units.
Publications relatives au projet:
- Barnes, S., Rio, L., de Goumoëns, V., Grandjean, C., & Ramelet, A.-S. (2020). Effectiveness and family experiences of interventions promoting partnerships between families and pediatric and neonatal intensive care units: A mixed methods systematic review protocol. JBI Evidence Synthesis, 18(6), 1292–1298. doi: 10.11124/JBISRIR-D-19-00277
Publications & communication:
-MacDonald, I., de Goumoëns, V., Marston, M., Alvarado, S., Favre, E., Trombert, A., Perez, M-E., Ramelet, A-S., Effectiveness, quality and implementation of pain, sedation, delirium and iatrogenic withdrawal syndrome algorithms in pediatric intensive care: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Front. Pediatr. Sec. Pediatric Critical Care, Volume 11 – 2023, doi: 10.3389/fped.2023.1204622
-MacDonald, I., Alvarado, S., Marston, M., de Goumoëns, V., Favre, E., Perez, M.-H., Trombert, A., & Ramelet, A.-S. (2022, July). Effectiveness of withdrawal management algorithms in pediatric intensive care: A systematic review and meta-analysis. On-line oral presentation at WFPICCS
Publications & communications:
-Burns, M., de Goumoëns, V., MacPhail, K., Eggenberger, S., Kiwanuka, F., mcAndrew, natalie s, … Price, A. (2023, March 27). ICU Trajectory for Families: A Scoping Review Protocol. Retrieved from osf.io/utynz
-Burns, M., de Goumoëns, V., Brysiewicz, P., Naef, R., McAndrew, N., Eggenberger, S., MacPhail, K., Kiwanuka, F., Luttik, M.L., Nagl-Cupal, M., Price, A. (2023). Family Experiences and Trajectory of Care Received During and After a Relative’s Admission to ICU: A Scoping Review. Poster presentation at the 16th International Family Nursing Conference (Ireland, Dublin).
Publications & communications
-Meiers, S. J., de Goumoëns, V., Thirsk, L., brysiewicz, petra, Eggenberger, S., kiszio, blanche, … Richardson, S. (2022, August 30). A scoping review of nursing practices and strategies to support patients and families in acute care settings during the COVID-19 pandemic. Retrieved from osf.io/gn69f
-Meiers, S., de Goumoëns, V., Thirsk, L., Brysiewicz, P., Eggenberger, E., Kiszio, B., McAndrew, N., Richardson, S., Abbott-Anderson, K., Heitschmidt, M. (2023) A Scoping Review of Nursing Practices and Strategies to Support Patients and Families in Acute Care Settings During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Poster presentation at the 16th International Family Nursing Conference (Ireland, Dublin)
- Jiri Kantor, Alžběta Smrčková, Zuzana Svobodová, Miloslav Klugar, Zachary Munn, Véronique de Goumoëns. The experience of having a sibling with autism spectrum disorder: protocol for a qualitative systematic review. PROSPERO 2022 CRD42022379171 Available from: https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/display_record.php?ID=CRD42022379171
1) improve monitoring, assessment, care, raise awareness, and/or reduce the prevalence of malnutrition, pain, or pressure ulcers in older adults residing in long-term care facilities;
2) improve care practices by reducing polypharmacy or the use of physical restraints or by improving the coverage and effects of advance care planning or medication reviews in long-term care facilities for older adults.
- Poncin, Emmanuelle, de Goumoëns, Véronique, Kiszio, Blanche, Van Grootven, Bastiaan, Ortoleva Bucher, Claudia, Roulet Schwab, Delphine, Curreri, Nereide Alhena, Osińska, Magdalena, Corna, Laurie, Zúñiga, Franziska, & Wellens, Nathalie IH. (2023). Interventions to improve care quality in long-term care facilities for older adults: An umbrella review protocol. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7973488
Peer-reviewed publications | |
2023 | MacDonald, I., de Goumoëns, V., Marston, M., Alvarado, S., Favre, E., Trombert, A., Perez, M-E., Ramelet, A-S., Effectiveness, quality and implementation of pain, sedation, delirium and iatrogenic withdrawal syndrome algorithms in pediatric intensive care: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Front. Pediatr. Sec. Pediatric Critical Care, Volume 11 – 2023, doi: 10.3389/fped.2023.1204622 |
2023 | Bischofberger, Iren, […], de Goumoëns, V, et al. Setting new priorities for nursing research: The updated Swiss Nursing Research Agenda
– a systematic, participative approach |
2022 | de Goumoëns, V., Ayigah, K-R, Joye, D.; Ryvlin, P.; and Ramelet, A-S (2022) The development of a complex early intervention for supporting families of persons with acquired brain injuries: The SAFIR© intervention, Journal of Family Nursing, 28(1):6-16. DOI: 10.1177/10748407211048217 |
2020 | de Goumoëns, V., Grandjean, C., Joye, D., Bettex, Y.-O., Ryvlin, P. & Ramelet, A.-S. (2020). Analyse du contexte clinique dans le développement et l’implantation d’une intervention de soutien pour les familles de patients atteints de lésions cérébrales acquises : une étude qualitative. Science of Nursing and Health Practices / Science infirmière et pratiques en santé, 3(1), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.31770/2561-7516.1062 |
2020 | Barnes, S., Rio, L., de Goumoëns, V., Grandjean, C., & Ramelet, A.-S. (2020). Effectiveness and family experiences of interventions promoting partnerships between families and pediatric and neonatal intensive care units: A mixed methods systematic review protocol. JBI Evidence Synthesis, 18(6), 1292–1298. doi: 10.11124/JBISRIR-D-19-00277 |
2019 | de Goumoëns, V., Didier, A., Mabire, C., Shaha,M., & Diserens, K. (2019). Families’ needs of patients with acquired brain injury: Acute phase and rehabilitation. Rehabilitation Nursing, 44(6), 319–327. doi:10.1097/rnj.0000000000000122 |
2018 | de Goumoëns, V., Rio, L., Ramelet, A-S., (2018). Family-oriented intervention for adults with acquired brain injury and their families; a scoping review’s results, JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports , DOI: 10.11124/JBISRIR-2017-003846 |
2018 | de Goumoëns, V., Rio, L., Ramelet, A-S., (2018). Family-oriented intervention for adults with acquired brain injury and their families; a scoping review protocole, JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports , DOI: 10.11124/JBISRIR-2017-003410 |
2017 | de Goumoëns, V., Décaillet, F., Didier, A., Montreuil, C., Diserens, K., Ramelet, A‑S., (2017). Process for implementing a pain assessment scale for patients with brain injuries: description of a project methodology based on the Integrated Model of Consultation, Recherche en soins infirmiers, N° 128, p. 79-91, DOI : 10.3917/rsi.128.0079 |
Professional publications | |
2022 | de Goumoëns, V., Rutz, D., Bruyère, K., Ryvlin, P., Ramelet, A-S., (2022) Interventions auprès des familles de personnes atteintes de lésions cérébrales acquises en phase aiguë d’hospitalisation, Mains Libres; 2 : 95-101 |
2021 | de Goumoëns, V. (2021) La détresse morale au sein des équipes infirmières, Journal La Source, April 2021 |
2020 | de Goumoëns, V., (2020). Edito, Revue de l’Association Suisse Pour les Sciences Infirmières, Aut. 2020 |
2020 | Spasojevic, A., Ferreira Dias, A., de Goumoëns V. L’accompagnement infirmier des jeunes après une lésion cérébrale, Revue Soins infirmiers, Vol 10, pp.62-64 |
2019 | de Goumoëns, V., Ramelet, A-S., (2019).Défis de la recherche avec les familles des personnes souffrants de lésions cérébrales acquises, Revue de l’Association Suisse Pour les Sciences Infirmières, Aut. 2019 |
2019 | de Goumoëns, V., Rio, L., Jaques, C., Ramelet, A-S., (2019).Patients souffrant de lésions cérébrales: les soins à la famille , Revue Soins infirmiers, Vol 04, pp74-75 |
2018 | Jornod, M., Vatric, M., de Goumoëns, V., (2018), De l’importance de la communication avec le patient atteint de Locked-In Syndrome, Revue Soins infirmiers, Vol 5, pp.56-59 |
2017 | Wetter, A-S., Weber M., Favre, E., de Goumoëns, V., (2017). L’accompagnement infirmier des familles; de la crise à l’espoir, Revue Soins Infirmiers, Vol 11
Available in french, german and italian |
2016 | Jotterand, C., Valentino, V., Iovine-Rauber, M-L., Vuistiner, A., de Goumoëns, V., (2016). La qualité de vie au premier plan ; Dysphagie chez les personnes atteintes de sclérose latérale amyotrophique, Revue Soins Infirmiers, Vol 7, p.60-63 |
Posters, E-Posters and Media |
2023 | Meiers, S., de Goumoëns, V., Thirsk, L., Brysiewicz, P., Eggenberger, E., Kiszio, B., McAndrew, N., Richardson, S., Abbott-Anderson, K., Heitschmidt, M. (2023) A Scoping Review of Nursing Practices and Strategies to Support Patients and Families in Acute Care Settings During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Poster presentation at the 16th International Family Nursing Conference (Ireland, Dublin) |
2023 | Burns, M., de Goumoëns, V., Brysiewicz, P., Naef, R., McAndrew, N., Eggenberger, S., MacPhail, K., Kiwanuka, F., Luttik, M.L., Nagl-Cupal, M., Price, A. (2023). Family Experiences and Trajectory of Care Received During and After a Relative’s Admission to ICU: A Scoping Review. Poster presentation at the 16th International Family Nursing Conference (Ireland, Dublin). |
2019 | de Goumoëns, V. Grandjean C., Joye, D., Bettex Y-O., Ryvlin P., Ramelet, A-S. (Nov. 2019), Analysis of the organizational context in the development and implementation of a supportive intervention for the families of patients with acquired brain injuries: A qualitative study, E-Poster presented to 5th Annual SPINE Doctoral Student Research Day, Building Bridges in Nursing Science, Université de Bâle, Bâle, Suisse |
2019 | de Goumoëns, V, Parisod, J (2019, sept) Développement d’une intervention pour soutenir les familles des patients avec une lésion cérébrale acquises durant la phase aiguë d’hospitalisation, in Les doctorant-e-s de l’IUFRS, à l’occasion du symposium fêtant les 10 ans de l’IUFRS, Vidéo présentée au Symposium pour les 10 ans de l’IUFRS (17.17’-20,39’) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBZ3UkA4UBQ&t=1097s |
2019 | de Goumoëns, V., Rio, L., Ramelet, A-S., (2019, April). Family-oriented intervention for adults with acquired brain injury and their families; a scoping review’s results, Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) European Regional Symposium 2019 “Think globally, act locally”, Cardiff, United Kingdom |
2016 | de Goumoëns, V., (2016, November). Development of a complex nursing intervention for supporting brain injured patients and their families: Overview of the thesis project, Poster présenté au 2nd Annual SPINE Doctoral Student Research Day, Building Bridges in Nursing Science, Institut Universitaire de Formation et de Recherche en Soins, Université de Lausanne, Lausanne, Suisse |
2015 | de Goumoëns, V., Iovine-Rauber, M-L, Imbault, M-E., Décaillet, F., Charette, A., Frisch, B., (2015, June). Interprofessionnalité en Neuroréhabilitation: Rôles & Compétences Infirmières, Congrès de l’Association Suisse des infirmières (ASI), Montreux, Suisse |
2015 | de Goumoëns, V., Iovine-Rauber, M-L, Imbault,M-E., Décaillet, F., Charette, A., Frisch, B., (2015, March). Interprofessionnalité en Neuroréhabilitation: Rôles & Compétences Infirmières, Journée Portes ouvertes de l’hôpital Nestlé, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne, Suisse |
Orales Presentations | |
2023 | de Goumoëns, V., Bruyère, K., Rutz, D., Bettex, Y-O., Vasserot, K., Ryvlin, P., Ramelet, A-S., (2023, June) A Feasibility Study of a New Family Nursing Intervention to Support People with Acquired Brain Injuries and Their Families in the Early Stage, 16th International Family Nursing Conference, Dublin, Ireland |
2023 | Zoni, S., Posse, B., Desarzens, J., Lerouge, C., Ghaber, C., Gross, N., Bucher Andary, J., de Goumoëns, V. (2023, June), Family Health during the Pandemic of COVID-19; Experience and perceptions of Pediatric Home Care Nursing Teams, 16th International Family Nursing Conference, Dublin, Ireland |
2023 | de Goumoëns, V., (2023, June) Family Interventions, presented in 8th ASID Meeting – African Society for ImmunoDeficiencies, Casablanca, Maroc, retrievd from: https://www.congress.asid-africa.org/images/2023/asid2023_programmeV1.pdf |
2023 | de Goumoëns, V., (2023, April), Soutenir la pratique infirmière par la recherche, SKB-ASI Congress, Bern, Switzerland, Retrieved from : https://www.sbk-asi-congress.ch/resources/Web-Kongress_Bern_202317.pdf |
2022 | Turcotte, M., Roch, G., de Goumoëns, V., Perron, A., (2022, October) Collaboration internationale pour enseigner le Leadership clinique et «bio»politique en Suisse presented in Congrès Mondial du SIDIIEF, Ottawa, Canada |
2022 | de Goumoëns, V., (2022, October) The Key Role Of Family Nursing For People With Chronic Diseases, presented in 20th biennial ESID Meeting – European Association for ImmunoDeficiencies, Göteborg, Sweden |
2022 | MacDonald, I., Alvarado, S., Marston, M., de Goumoëns, V., Favre, E., Perez, M.-H., Trombert, A., & Ramelet, A.-S. (2022, July). Effectiveness of withdrawal management algorithms in pediatric intensive care: A systematic review and meta-analysis. On-line oral presentation at WFPICCS |
2022 | de Goumoëns, V., (2022, March) Family of Acquired Brain Injuries Individuals During Transitions: Knowing Their Needs to Support them with Nursing Interventions, Pflegesymposium Rehabilitation Care, Swiss Association for Nursing Sciences, (VFP/APSI), Volkshaus, Zürich |
2021 | de Goumoëns, V., Ryvlin, P., Ramelet, A.-S. (2021, December) Développement d’une intervention infirmière complexe pour soutenir les familles des patients cérébro-lésés en phase aiguë d’hospitalisation, Midi conférences, Institut Universitaire de formation et de recherche en soins (IUFRS), Lausanne |
2021 | de Goumoëns, V., Ryvlin, P., Ramelet, A.-S. (2021, October) SAFIR© ; une intervention infirmière complexe pour soutenir les familles des patients cérébro-lésés, Carrefour Recherche & Pratique, Haute Ecole de santé Fribourg (Heds FR) |
2021 | MacDonald, I., de Goumoëns, V., Perez, M.-H., Amiet, V., Trombert, A., & Ramelet, A.-S. (2021, June). Assessment and management of pain, sedation delirium and/or withdrawal in pediatric critical care: An integrative review of algorithm development, implementation and outcomes. On-line oral presentation at the European Society of Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care virtual conference |
2021 | de Goumoëns, V., Ayigah, K-R, Joye, D., Ryvlin, P., and Ramelet, A-S (2021) Integration of Family Preferences, Clinical Expertise and Contextual Resources in the Development of a Supportive Intervention for Families in Clinical Neurosciences, 15th International Family Nursing Conference, Virtual |
2019 | de Goumoëns, V., Rio, L., Ramelet, A-S., (2019, August). Families of persons with acquired brain injuries: Key components for interventions, 14th International Family Nursing Conference, Washington, USA |
2016 | de Goumoëns, V., (2016, Novembre). Family-Based Intervention for people with acquired brain injury and their families: Preliminary results of a scoping review, Communication orale presentée au 2nd Annual SPINE Doctoral Student Research Day, Building Bridges in Nursing Science, Institut Universitaire de Formation et de Recherche en Soins, Université de Lausanne, Lausanne, Suisse |
2015 | de Goumoëns, V., (2015, Novembre). Development of a complex nursing intervention for supporting brain injured patients and their families, Communication orale présentée au 1st Annual SPINE Doctoral Student Research Day, Building Bridges in Nursing Science, Université de Bâle, Bâle, Suisse |
2015 | de Goumoëns, V., Didier, A., Décaillet, F. (2015, Novembre). Evaluation de la douleur pour les patients non-communicant; de la rechercher à la pratique, Communication orale presentée à La Journée Recherche du domaine Santé, Haute Ecole Spécialisée de Suisse Occidentale, Clinique de la SUVA, Sion, Suisse |
2015 | Didier, A., de Goumoëns, V., Décaillet, F., (2015, Juin). Démarche d’implantation d’un outil d’évaluation de la douleur pour les patients cérébro-lésés. L’EBN au service de la pratique clinique. Congrès de l’association Suisse des infirmières (ASI), Montreux, Suisse |
2014 | de Goumoëns, V., Shaha, M. (2014, Juin). Les besoins des familles des patients cérébro-lésés en phase aiguë d’hospitalisation de leur proche ; étude descriptive exploratoire, Congrès du Secrétariat International des Infirmiers et Infirmières de l’Espace Francophone, Montréal, Canada |
2014 | de Goumoëns, V., (2014, Juin). Le rayonnement des professions de la santé, Congrès du Secrétariat International des Infirmiers et Infirmières de l’Espace Francophone, Montréal, Canada |