The La Source Institute and School of Nursing is, like the Clinique de La Source, part of the La Source Foundation, a private non-profit organisation.
It comprises the School of Nursing and the La Source Institute, whose respective missions complete and feed one another.
As a faculty of the HES-SO University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland, the La Source School of Nursing:
Recognized worldwide, the La Source School of Nursing enjoys a strong appeal both among students and as an employer. It is an authority in the world of nursing care and stands out for the quality of its achievements, its capacity for innovation, and its professional positioning.
La Source is renowned professionally for the excellence and adequacy of its undergraduate and post-graduate programmes.
It is reputed scientifically for its contribution to the development of nursing science and particularly for the quality of the clinical research it conducts. Moreover, it is a leader in the field of research in the history of nursing.
It is regularly sought out for the perspicacity of its expert opinion and the pertinence of its interventions in favour of health and social service institutions.
It is recognized for its mastery in the areas of university teaching and occupational didactics.
Its infrastructure is of the highest order.
Its size and personnel allow cultivating a warm and friendly environment conducive to a constructive and respectful student and professional life.
It is a deeply humanist institution in constant dialogue with its students. It encourages their participation, initiative and autonomy while guiding them towards an assertive and responsible professional practice.
Students and collaborators are involved in school life and develop a strong sense of belonging.
It maintains special relations with its practicum partners and with clinical settings.
It cultivates dialogue and opens it to the world and to local authorities and stakeholders. As an expert recognized for the strength and clear-sightedness of its positioning, it is regularly sought out to weigh in on topical issues regarding professional development and health policies.
Through its prestigious international collaborative relationships, it offers students and faculty numerous exchange opportunities.
It is a driving force in the field of interprofessional teaching and interdisciplinary collaboration.
A pioneer since its inception, La Source is endowed with a particularly well-honed sense of enterprise and innovation. It has made a name for itself notably when it comes to transferring knowledge and developing projects that help improve clinical effectiveness.