The activities of the Quality of Care and Patient Safety (QCPS) LAB are geared to:
The LAB’s research activities aim to create and revisit knowledge and knowhow related to these objectives.
The professional experience of most of the members of the LAB is in connection with adult acute care settings. Consequently, priority in our teaching is given to clinical care practice (clinical assessment, technical acts, care safety, nursing interventions, communication and work relations) and to knowledge of pathologies from the clinical perspective of nursing care. We have a growing interest in developing and valorising disciplinary knowledge. Moreover, the use of new teaching technologies, such as hi-fi simulation and serious games, is one of the QCPS LAB’s areas of pedagogical development. Developing simulation activities with simulated patients allows us, in particular, to bring to life our philosophy that considers patients as deciders of and partners in their care. Our collaboration with care establishments is key to how we teach quality of care and patient safety. This partnership extends also into our research activities. It allows us to test nursing theories and propose interventions to meet patient needs. The QCPS LAB can count on numerous partners abroad, including in France, in Canada and through the Watson Caring Science Global Associates.
To ensure that the clinical education it provides is of the highest quality, the QCPS LAB abides by the standards put forth by Cronenwett et al. (2009), who defined the knowledge, skills and attitudes required by nurses in the following six areas of competency:
Our research programme is geared to exploring, defining and proposing interventions aimed at improving the clinical practice of nurses with a view to optimizing management of adult patients living with a chronic condition. Integrating nursing theories as a guide to exploring clinical phenomena and developing interventions is a matter of priority for the QCPS LAB.
The QCPS LAB works in collaboration with a host of university partners and international teams, including:
Field partners: All of the care establishments in the Canton of Vaud.