Caesarean section and obesity in young adult offspring : Update of a systematic review with meta-analysis

Obesity Reviews, 23(2), e13368$


As compared with vaginal delivery (VD), caesarean section (CS) birth could be associ-ated with increased risk of obesity in young adult offspring. We aimed to evaluate this association by updating data from a systematic review with meta-analysis of observational studies. From 3774 records identified in PubMed and Embase, were tained six studies and added five studies from the last systematic review, for a total of 11 studies. Crude estimates of the association were retrieved from nine cohort studies (n=143,869), and maximally adjusted estimates were retrieved from eight cohort studies. Young adults born by CS had higher risk of obesity (body mass index[BMI]≥30 kg/m2) than young adults born by VD, corresponding to a crude pooled risk ratio (RR) of 1.30 [95% confidence interval (CI) 1.13 to 1.50] and a maximally adjusted pooled RR of 1.22 [95% CI 1.02 to 1.46]. In a sensitivity analysis pooling,five studies that included maternal prepregnancy BMI, a major potential confounding factor, in the set of controlled covariates, the RR was 1.08 [95% CI 0.92 to 1.27]. We concluded that the association between CS and obesity in young adulthood was mostly explained by confounding from maternal prepregnancy BMI.